Arklinux Bug Automailer
2005-11-13 03:27:25 UTC
BUGS - The Bug Genie BUGS - The Bug GenieBug-tracking made user-friendly
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This email is an update for bug #23 - Installation roadblock.
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"BUGS - The Bug Genie" is Copyright © 2003 - 2005 zegenie Studios
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You are receiving this update because you are subscribing for updates.
This email is an update for bug #23 - Installation roadblock.
You can view the bug by opening the following link in your web browser:
No new notifications will be sent until you view the bug.
(You can change your subscription options from "My account" after you have logged in)
"BUGS - The Bug Genie" is Copyright © 2003 - 2005 zegenie Studios
Released under the MPL 1.1 or later. Get the license at